
Cooperation in the development with the customer

Special customised instruments are no taboo for us, either. Close collaboration with our customers is of particular importance in the development of such instruments. Our experienced and highly-qualified staff of experts in engineering design, production, quality assurance and control ensures that your ideas and visions are transformed into usable instruments of the highest precision and quality.

State-of-the-art production centres and latest technologies enhance the process and make the work vastly more precise, but nevertheless a multitude of work steps consist of careful and skilled manual craftsmanship to produce fine medical instruments. By the time a finished instrument is ready for the customer, it already has a long way behind it, and has been handled by innumerable human hands in the process from raw material to finished product.

Our strengths focus on our qualified employees in production, development, quality assurance and sales, supported by external consultants and technicians. Likewise, our range of products and services also demands a high degree of effective teamwork and careful coordination.

Constant contact to our sales partners and users in the practice is an unconditional prerequisite for us in implementing new ideas. Our spirit of innovation allows us to react quickly to changed market demands, so that new developments can be realised within shortest time spans.

The outstanding quality of our products and services has always been our highest priority in order to meet the meticulous requirements of our customers. Dealers and partners have great trust in us, since we can place our instruments in the hands of our customers with utmost confidence in quality.